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Sentences for Gun Cases “Go Through the Roof” in Philadelphia


Penalties for gun crimes in Philadelphia are much more severe thanks to a special interest group.

The group CeaseFirePA created a Court Watch program which kicked onto high gear a year ago according to the organization’s director. The results are significant. Sentences in gun cases “go through the roof when people in the neighborhood come in” to court and testify before judges. The Metro reported in a front page story this week that a female Desert Storm veteran with no prior record who bought a gun for her boyfriend was sentenced to 23 months in prison instead of being placed on probation because Court Watch members attended the haring.

CeaseFire PA is getting their members into court with the help of the Philadelphia Police Department. Police Officers are sending out e-mail blasts to residents, giving them rides to the courthouse, and even gving them free breakfast if the attend a sentencing hearing.

In addition to bigger sentences and stiffer penalties, the Philadelphia Police Department is trying to make more gun arrests by targeting certain individuals and areas through its GunStat Program.

If you or someone you know has been arrested for a gun related charge, you need an experienced attorney on your side. After all, the district attorney’s office, police department, and Court Watch members will be working together to get te largest sentence possible.

Our Philadelphia criminal defense attorneys have handled more than a thousand cases in which people have been charged with illegally possessing a firearm. With more than 40 years of experience, we have extensive knowledge of how to defend these specific types cases so that your freedom is protected. Michael Parkinson , Timothy Tarpey and Jim Lloyd are criminal defense attorneys and former Philadelphia Assistant District Attorneys with who have handled thousands of cases involving firearms charges.

To arrange a free consultation please contact us at (215) 352-3432.
