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Gun Licence Permit Revocation Hearing


Anyone who was able to acquire a concealed weapon permit in Philadelphia can attest to the many headaches and hurdles they endured in order to obtain the license. Unfortunately, once attained many people find out that it is not too hard to have the license revoked. Getting arrested for a crime, reporting a gun stolen or having a protection from abuse order filed against you are some of many potential causes for an individual to lose their license to carry.

If a person has any of these situations occurring they are very likely to get a letter from the Philadelphia Police Department notifying of their intent to revoke the license to carry. It does not matter if the allegations are completely false, procedures to revoke the license will still be commenced. The letter will usually state that license is being revoked, but that you may request a hearing to argue against its revocation. A certain protocol will then have to be followed to request the hearing, all within a specific time frame and the person's license may be revoked in the interim while the appeal is still active.

The hearing itself will take place at the Criminal Justice Center in Philadelphia in a small court room before the gun permit appeals panel. The police department is represented by an attorney who conducts the hearings. A person is not required to appear with an attorney and is free to argue against the revocation by themself. In reality, a person who hires an attorney is in a much better position than someone who argues alone. Hearings are conducted like mini-trials with witnesses and evidence being presented by the government against the licensee. The burden of proof to sustain a license revocation is less than that a criminal trial, making it easier for the government to win their case.

Preparation, evidence, the ability to effectively cross examine witnesses together with a knowledge and familiarity of the law are all necessary in obtaining a favorable result at one of these hearings. At PT&L we have had great success in arguing these cases before the panel enabling our clients to keep their license to carry a concealed firearm.

If you have been notified by the government of the intent to have your license to carry revoked, call us for a free, no-hassle consultation now.
